
About Win Morgan

I have been employed as a therapist for 36 years and have worked at major hospitals in both California and New York. I have been a licensed psychologist in private practice for 30 years. I received my doctorate at the Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies at Adelphi University in New York in 1986. I began meditating in 1978 and have a regular sitting and retreat practice. ​

I work to incorporate Buddhist psychology and the latest neuroscience into my practice to help clients understand themselves with compassion and to increase their options, happiness, and flexibility.

As these capacities increase, we become better able to respond to life’s challenges, rather than just reacting in an unskillful way.

“The principle activities of brains are making changes in themselves.”

Marvin Minsky

Our brains are in the business of constructing rather than conveying reality: “We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are.”

Anais Nin

“Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows themselves.”

Johann von Goethe

Useful Articles


If you read the “Welcome” page for this website, you’ll note that the person who is most dependent on you is your future self. It’s quite clear that you have a relationship with the person you will be 1 minute from now….or an hour or a day, or a month or a year. The possibility for change is inherent in everything and our behavior and choices can profoundly change our future self. Being in relationship is among the most important… Read more

EMDR Explained

One of the adjunctive therapies I use is called EMDR. Googling it will probably give you a further understanding of what’s entailed in this process, but, essentially, it involves bilateral stimulation (bilateral, meaning a sensation which alternates between stimulating the left side and right side of the body, usually done by holding two small pulsars which vibrate gently), combined with a type of psychotherapy. The bilateral stimulation engages both hemispheres of the brain in the therapy process because, often, when… Read more


Why? Meditation is to the mind what aerobic exercise is to the body. Like exercise, there are many good ways to do it and you can find the one that suits you best. Studies have shown that regular meditation promotes mindfulness (sustained observing awareness), whose benefits include decreased stress-related cortisol, insomnia, symptoms of autoimmune illnesses, PMS, asthma, falling back into depression, general emotional distress, anxiety, and panic, and increased immune system factors, control of blood sugar in type 2 diabetes,… Read more
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